White Mountain Partners Landscaping Shares a Texas Landscaping Guide For Your New Home

Texas landscaping is tough. We have issues of droughts, and it is expensive to use a lot of water to make up for the drier climate.

At White Mountain Landscaping Partners, we are a quality landscaping firm that can create a beautiful and peaceful oasis in your back and front yards that you will be glad to go home to. The following are some of our recommendations.

The Low Fence Trick

If your home is situated too close to the street, Southern Living suggests that you can create a visual illusion of more space by simply placing a low, picket fence between your home and the street.

Year Round Color With Flowers

If you choose flowers carefully, in our Texas climate, you can enjoy a splash of color all year. It is relaxing to our eyes and spirits to come home each day to potted plants and beds that have flowers such as petunias, snap dragons and crinums will keep you in color.

Southern LIving recommends crinums as one of the toughest plants for Texans. They are well-suited to our dry Texas climate and don’t much care about the condition of your soil. They look like lilies, with a big trumpet and are very aromatic. They like 5 hours of sun exposure per day.

Deer-Proof Flowers

If the deer come through and like to gobble up your flowers, you can choose ones that they hate to eat and leave the roses up on the porch in containers. They love to nibble off tender rose buds.

Good choices of deer-proof flowers include butterfly bush, purple cornflower, butterfly weed and globe thistle.

Pavers Can Create the Illusion of More Space

Pavers create pleasant walkways, break up the turf and create an illusion of more space in a cramped yard.

Creating Unity

The Seasoned Homemaker suggests that creating a unified appearance is best. Unity can be created through repetition, color schemes and/or thematic landscaping. One example of a landscaping theme would be to create a Japanese-type of garden area.


You can create relaxing and private alcoves for entertaining with decking, fireplaces, firepits or outdoor barbecue areas. Vines growing over trellises can create privacy for you and your guests from the neighbors.

Xeriscaping and Grow Green

The City of Austin website has some recommendations for xeriscaping and Grow Green. Xeriscaping is when one gardens in a manner that saves the most water possible.

According to the City of Austin, principles of xeriscaping include a planning and design phase that includes an analysis of the soil before plant selection begins. Design includes turfs and other plants that are drought-resistant. Also, xeriscape embraces irrigation principles that are more water efficient, like drip irrigation. Also, to conserve the water already in the soil, mulches are utilized.

Grow Green involves gardening without toxic chemicals and using native plants.

If you have landscaping needs in Texas, call us at White Mountain Partners Landscaping. These ideas were just a few of the many we have to create an individualized, green and appealing oasis in your yard